Sunday, January 3, 2010

When The Game Is Over, It All Goes Back In the Box

From now through February 7, we will be getting the teaching from John Ortberg's When The Game Is Over, It All Goes Back In The Box.  Due to copyright issues, a recording is not available.  So, I guess you'll have to show up!

  1. If life is like a game, what is your goal or objective? How do you know if you win in the game of life? What are among the most important tips for playing the game of life well?
  2. When have you ever wished, as John Ortberg did, that you could keep all the accomplishments intact as a permanent memorial to you success? What was the big lesson John learned after he victoriously crushed his aging grandmother?
  3. What sorts of attitudes and behaviors emerge when we forget that it all goes back in the box? Why do we so quickly forget this truth? What helps you remember it?
  4. What struck you from Ortberg’s contemporary retelling of Jesus’ parable of the rich fool (Luke 12:13-21)? How is the rich fool’s story your story? Where are you in your story?
  5. What lasts forever (eternal)? What goes back in the box (temporary)? Which of these two motivates more of your decisions in life?
  6. In light of Ortberg’s teaching, what are you trying to win, and what strategy are you using to succeed?
  7. Love of God comes from time with God. How will you develop your love of God in 2010?

For further study, read and reflect on the following scriptures:
Deuteronomy 8:17-18; Psalm 24:1, James 1:17; Job 1:21; Ecclesiastes 2:18-23; 1 John 2:15-17; Matthew 6:19-20; 1 timothy 6:6-8; Hebrews 13:5; Psalm 90:12.

Note: Questions above are adapted from Ortberg’s Participation Guide.

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