From January 3 through February 7, we will be getting the teaching from John Ortberg's When The Game Is Over, It All Goes Back In The Box. Due to copyright issues, a recording is not available. So, I guess you'll have to show up! Every week, however, I will lift out some questions from teh participation guide to help you process key points from the series.
1. Who taught you to keep score for your life?
2. What was modeled for you?
3. What did you learn about defining success vocationally, financially, socially, intellectually, physically, and spiritually?
4. How do you compare yourselves with others as a means of scorekeeping?
5. How do you compete with others as a score keeping method?
6. How do you resonate with climbing the ladder as your measure of success?
7. What affect do these methods have on relationships and personal contentment?
8. How does Jesus’ modeling of descending the ladder impact your thinking?
9. How does our culture value the outer you more than the inner you? What nurtures the inner you – the most important, lasting things? What happens to the inner you when we overly focus on the outer you?
10. How will you foster the inner you more effectively?
For Personal Bible Study:
1. What do the following biblical stories infer about keeping score? Gen. 4:1-16; 1 Sam. 18:5-16; Esther 5:7-14; Phil. 1:12-26
2. What God scoring principles are reflected in the following biblical passages? Mark 10:42-45; Is. 2:12; 1 Tim. 6:10-11; Psalm 49:16-17; John 6:27; Luke 12:7; Phil. 3:7-9; 1 Cor. 3:12-15; Eph. 6:8
Note: Questions above are adapted from Ortberg’s Participation Guide.
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