Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week Four: Choose Your Moves Wisely

From January 3 through February 7, we will be getting the teaching from John Ortberg's When The Game Is Over, It All Goes Back In The Box. Due to copyright issues, a recording is not available. So, I guess you'll have to show up! Each week, however, I will provide some questions from the discussion guide to help you process Ortberg's key points. Enjoy!

1. Why is the E-Z chair the most dangerous item in the house? What has been your experience with getting too comfortable in life, and how has it affected which moves you take in the game?

2. What kind of “assignments” does God call people to do? Why are we inclined to (at least initially) to say no to God when he extends a call to us? What encourages us to say yes to him?

3. As you heard the story of Johnny the Bagger, what did you think and feel? What has Johnny the Bagger learned about life, calling, and choosing the next move that you can apply to your life?

4. John Ortberg refers to “shadow missions” in his book – substitute games we are not meant to play. What are the main shadow missions that you gravitate toward and try to win when you allow your natural temptations to take over?

5. What do you think are the biggest obstacles that keep you from “rolling the dice” and stepping out in faith in answer to God’s call?

6. To what extent are you so comfortable that you don’t want to take on the challenges of the game?

7. What are your fears related to the challenges God has given you, and in what ways are they holding you back?

8. To what extent does busyness crowd out what you would consider to be the most important things in life?

9. How are you filling your calendar to honor God’s call in your life?

Note: Questions above are adapted from Rothberg’s Participation Guide.

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