So far in the story of Nehemiah, amazing things have taken place. Nehemiah heard of of the conditions in Jerusalem - his hometown - and his heart was broken. He was so overcome by the news that he put his life on the line, asking the King for the moon - time off, papers giving him authority, resources to carry out the work. The king gave him what he asked and more, supplying him with a cavalry unit to ensure safe travels and safe leadership once in Jerusalem. In effect, Nehemiah became governor of Jerusalem and its surrounding region.
After resting and getting his bearings for three days, Nehemiah went out to inspect the wall himself. At night. He had not yet told the city of his plans to rebuild the wall. Strategy must be employed to maximize the momentum for such an undertaking, and to minimize the inevitable impact of voices that would seek to discourage such work before it even got started. Nehemiah knew surrounding regional leaders were not happy to see this newly appointed leader near their turf. At this point, Nehemiah did not know who was on who's side - there could have been eyes and ears present ready to inform his enemies. Under cover of darkness was the wisest choice available.
The conditions were as poor as he had heard.
When he cast the vision for rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, the people who called the city home stepped up and pitched in. The third chapter of Nehemiah recounts which families tackled which projects. To do the work required significant sacrifice on the part of the volunteers. This wasn't showing up for a couple hours after work, this required making time to give to the project in order for it to be completed. The projects weren't going to get completed with loose change found between their sofa cushions, either. These folks contributed time (which was money then as now) and their own money to get the wall repaired. Nehemiah cast a vision so compelling that they were willing to put other things on hold and move this project ahead of some of their own personal goals.
What was so compelling about the speech that people contributed at such a sacrificial level? Was it that their own homes were vulnerable to attack due to lack of fortification? Was it that the work of the Temple was put under stress because of people having to perform more work to make up for their constant loss? Did it have anything to do with the fact that Humpty Dumpty recently had a great fall, after sitting on that wall, causing such severity of injuries that all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty back together again? I think we're on to something here...
The people were moved not because of Nehemiah's logical conclusion about the features and benefits a repaired wall might bring. Passion enough to generate such sacrifice isn't founded on logic alone. Something else moved the hearts of the listeners, and that something was beauty.
What moved Nehemiah so emotionally when he first heard the news of Jerusalem? He was informed that his hometown was a wreck, a disaster, a ruin. What moved his friends to join him on such a great campaign requiring so much effort? They saw through the eyes of an outsider that which they had become so familar: their home was adorned with rubble. Not beauty.
The God they served, the faith they loved, the people they shared life with - all beautiful. The condition of their space did not adequately reflect the beauty of their belief, and it certainly did not communicate anything beautiful to those who came near. It's like the people were given permission to see the obvious within the context of really being able to do something about it. They didn't have to wallow in hopelessness anymore - now a person with authority was present to help them restore to beauty the place they loved.
Beauty matters. When God breathed everything into creation, beauty was a high value. Beauty in design, beauty in color and contrast, beauty in scale. Whether you are laying eyes on the majestic mountains of the Sierra at Tahoe, walking the beach at Dillon, Doran, or Bodega, strolling through a vineyard in our collective backyard, stopping to notice the detail of a flower or the personality of your pet, you must admit that beauty abounds. We are created beautiful. We are like God in that we appreciate beauty, and love to create beauty.
When we want to communicate honor to someone, we send a beautiful card, beautiful flowers, throw a beautiful party, say beautiful words. We communicate honor through beauty. The people of God who lived in Jerusalem had their hearts broken for years because they were not able to create the beauty deserving of such a God in such a place. But this day was different. Now they had their chance to create something that would reflect their love of God by exercising their capacity to create beauty.
We serve the same beautiful God. We have an opportunity now to build on the legacy of those who came before us, and some who are in our midst still. When our church was built on this site, beauty was a serious consideration. When our gym was built, beauty was a serious consideration. When these pews replaced really uncomfortable metal folding chairs, beauty was a serious consideration. When we renovate this campus, restoring the beauty it was intended to have, we honor those who invested themselves in this place. When we repair and beautify this space, it not only inspires us, it attracts others who are drawn to beauty, and to the people and God who care enough to create such beauty. But most of all, when we do our part to keep this place beautiful, we honor God.
We can do something about this space at this time. Names are written in Nehemiah's book recording the beautiful sacrifices made by his contemporaries. Names have been written here, too, recalling the same. Their names were recorded because they dared to pray the same prayer you are being invited to pray: God, what do you want me to do? It's time for us to write our names on this place, so that a future generation might continue the same beautiful legacy that has captured us today.
May you be overwhelmed by God's beauty as you pray. May your life be a beautiful reflection of God's grace and generosity.
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