The following was used as part of our worship service to help us prepare for communion in light of all we have learned from during the Prodigal God series.
Preparing for the Feast of the Father...
The younger brother’s mistake was that he believed he could experience the best of life apart from the Father through self-discovery. He sowed his wild oats and found himself knee deep in pig [slop]. He ended up squandering what was afforded him, causing himself and others significant pain. He lost his connection to his father in the process, who was his source for life. How do you resemble the younger brother character? How do you seek to control your life by ignoring God? I am like a younger brother when I…
The older brother’s mistake was that he believed he could guarantee (control) happiness tomorrow through moral conformity today. He worked his father’s fields, sowing bitter herbs deep with his heart. He believed that if he was good, his inheritance would be guaranteed. He also lost his connection to his father in the process, even though he stayed home. How do we resemble the older brother character? How do you seek to control God by being good? I am like an older brother when I…
The father showed his inexhaustible love for his younger son by running to him while he was still some distance from home. He ignored his son’s desire to be considered dead, and instead restored him to full sonship with a robe, sandals, and a signet ring on his finger. That wasn’t enough, however. This was reason to celebrate, so he threw an extravagant party for the whole village honoring his son’s return. The father showed his unending love for his older son when he left the party to seek out and invite his older son inside. He looked past his older son’s disrespectful, hurtful words and tone and focused his attention on communicating his love for his son, and his desire for his family to be restored. Our Father, God, loves humanity like this. God loves you like this. How have you experienced God’s love? God loves me enough to…
A missing character in the story was what the older brother should have been. What the younger brother needed was an older brother who, out of loving concern, sought after his younger sibling to bring him back home. His desire to see him restored to the family would be rooted in his own love for him, as well as out of respect for his father’s love for his younger son. Seeking out the younger brother would be personally costly. Time, money, energy, and emotional investment would be required to succeed in the mission. Who are the younger brothers in our world today? What can we do to help get them back “home”? I will be like a good, true older brother by…
Sunday's Communion Prayer:
Sunday's Communion Prayer:
My Father, My God
You are generous and good
Loving and kind
Forgiving and restoring
I confess my younger brotherliness...
I sometimes think only of what meets my selfish needs
without wondering what your input might be
I can be self-centered, ignoring my relationship with you
I confess my older brotherliness...
At times I do very good things, but only to earn favor
brokering deals so you'll do something for me in return
I can be judgmental instead of graceful
I ask for your forgiveness and restoration
I thank you that you seek me out
and invite me back into relationship with you
I accept your love and support
in becoming who I was created to be
Help me be a True Elder Brother
So others can find their place at the Table
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