Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wise Questions

This Christmas season, I’d like us to take a look at the Christmas story in reverse, beginning with the last characters who heard about Christ’s arrival: the Magi (aka Wise Men, Three Kings).  If we can get past our familiarity, there is much to mine in their experience that we can apply to ours.  That’s how we take Christmas beyond a holiday and into a “being” thing.  That’s putting the “is” back in Christmas.

The Magi considered what lengths they were willing to go to meet Christ.  For them, the journey likely took months.  Imagine the expense!  Of course, they were loaded, but still – that’s a serious investment.  But they knew that if they were right, it was a once in a lifetime experience.  Actually, it was a once-in-the-history-of-the-world experience.  And they weren’t going to miss it.  The question for us is, how far are willing to go to meet Christ?  To be perfectly honest, I think a lot of Christians today feel like they’re really going the extra mile just to make it to church once or twice a month.  They are sacrificing a morning when they could be sleeping in.  Impressive, aren’t we?  Maybe we need to rethink this.  Who are we thinking of meeting?  What does Christ offer us?  What’s that worth?  I am challenging you to take it to the next level.  If you have to wait for a New Year’s Resolution to do it, okay, but do it.  For some of you it means making worshipping together at church a higher priority that (you fill in the blank).  For many, it’s the decision to reach for your bible instead of the remote control - at least enough to invest yourself in the Word once a day.  What else?  How is God wooing you on this question?

The Magi met up with Herod, who had a reputation for being a seriously insecure, egomaniacal tyrant.  Other than killing off a few of his family members, he was a really nice guy.  When they conversed with him, they knew the prophecy of Christ’s birth better than he did.  How well can you tell the story of Christ to someone?  If someone asked you to explain why you seek Christ, what would you say?

When the Magi went to meet Christ, they came prepared with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.  These were not simply the hot gift items that first Christmas season.  They were thoughtful gifts with deep meaning.  All were gifts given to royalty, as they were each incredibly valuable.  Gold honoring Christ’s role as our king.  Frankincense honoring Christ’s role as our priest.  And Myrrh a symbol pointing to incarnation.  You probably don’t have much of any of these items to bring to church with you.  But you can ask yourself about how you approach Christ in worship.  What is your attitude when you worship?  What does your offering say about the value you place on your faith?  Do you expect God to dwell with and in us?

This Christmas season, ask yourself wise questions.  They may just help you find yourself closer to Christ than you expected…

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