Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fatherly Advice

I don’t remember all the details exactly, but I will never forget the tentative look in my father’s eyes. He knew I had been through the required training, and that my papers were in order. But he also knew the risk inherent in his actions – he was unleashing a potentially lethal weapon upon an unsuspecting world.

A dad was giving his son the keys to his car to go run an errand. Alone.

Jesus was with his disciples, thinking on a grim reality – there were many villages filled with many people in need, but there were only 24 hours in a day, and only one Him. So, as witnessed in Matthew 10, Jesus entrusted the keys of the Kingdom ride to some of his disciples. But before they journeyed off on adventures unknown, Jesus gave them some fatherly advice…
Go into the places where the Kingdom is desperately needed, and usher it in. When you introduce the Kingdom (The Ways of God) into a system, it will be challenged, and with the Spirit’s sustenance, it will change for the better.

Go now – don’t wait until you’ve learned enough to feel like and expert, or are rich enough, or thin enough, or tall enough, or powerful enough, or secure enough, etc. Right where you are in your relationship with God is the place God can use you right now. You’ll grow along the way, and God will use you then, too. But don’t lose today because you’re so focused on tomorrow. The needs around you are screaming for Kingdom attention!

Go where God is already working. God got there ahead of you – look for the inroads He’s created – a person who is open to the Kingdom. Work with them to bring in the Kingdom. (Aside: you don’t have to be “churchy” to bring in the Kingdom. In the workplace, you don’t need to (and probably shouldn’t) refer to your faith or biblical teaching unless invited. Speaking about truth and wisdom, however, are welcome. St. Francis said it best: “Preach the Gospel. If necessary, use words.”) If nobody is open to the Kingdom, don’t feel like a loser, and don’t feel guilty dusting your sneakers off as you move on.

Go even if it’s tough. You may find that bringing Light into dark places results in a lot of squealing from the rats who’ve hidden there. The one holding the flashlight is going to take some abuse. As you usher in the Kingdom, expect the darkness to fight back, but also expect the Spirit to be with you, giving you calm, and words to see you through.

Go especially if it’s tough. The workout expression, “no pain, no gain” is true. In our journey to become increasingly like Jesus, we discover that suffering for the sake of the Kingdom is one of the most honorable, wonderful, and yet painful stretches we can hope for. While we whine during the tough spots, afterwards we realize how much we grew because of them. (Note: in working out and in bringing in the Kingdom, there is good pain that comes from pushing ourselves to new levels, and bad pain that comes from poor form. Don’t mistake bad pain for good pain. If you’re experiencing pain because of your faith, check yourself – is it your faith that’s causing the stretch, or the way you’ve communicated/butchered the faith? I am convinced that very few people will reject Christ if He is presented well. But how many people show disinterest because someone has forced Christ upon them?)

Someday I’ll look into my son’s eyes (and eventually my daughter’s) and with great trepidation hand over the keys. In doing so, I will know that I am giving them freedom to discover and experience the world in ways they can’t know otherwise. They will feel the thrill of commanding a 3,000 pound land missile through the highways and byways. More than the joy of driving, though, my hope is that they will find themselves on a greater path, which is not dependent upon metal keys, ever-increasingly-expensive fuel, or a government sponsored license. My hope is that they will discover the joy of walking hand in hand with their Creator God, their Life-Giving Savior, their Unequal Partner, the Spirit. My hope is that their journey will find every place they travel improved upon their departure because of God’s Kingdom coming through them.

My hope is the same for you. And for me.

Questions to Consider…

  1. What are the dark places in your world – in your workplace, family, marriage, personal life, etc.?
  2. What do you imagine would be different in those places if God ruled in them?How would Jesus handle himself in those dark places? How would he try to redeem them to Light and Life?
  3. How can you emulate Jesus’ actions in your dark places, that the Kingdom might be planted, and Life thrive?
A Benediction...
May you know that all the power of the Kingdom of God has been entrusted into your care. Wherever you go, the Spirit is ready. May your words, actions, and attitude be driven by the passion and persona of Jesus. May the aroma of the Kingdom follow you wherever you go.

MP3 Link:

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