Sunday, May 18, 2008

Until Eden Returns

When God created the heavens and the earth, everything was great. Perfect, in fact. The idea of Shalom permeated the relationship between humanity and God, between fellow humans, and even the relationship between humanity, God and creation itself.

Then Sin entered the equation. Everything changed. Relationships became strained - we began to cower in the presence of God out of our sense of shame. People didn't get along with each other like they did before. Creation itself even took a hit - God sacrificed some animals to provide clothing for his naked children.

The picture of what God plans to do at the end of time looks a lot like it did at the beginning of time - no death, tears, sorrow - everything calibrated to the original design.

To get from the beginning to the end (we're somewhere in between), God has invited us and commissioned us to actively participate in transitioning our current reality back to the Eden reality. When we introduce people to Jesus, and help them live the life Jesus modeled and empowers, they begin to live with more and more shalom, more Kingdom of God, more Eden, and less of the lesser reality. When more and more people begin walking with Jesus, and usher more and more other people to do the same, the world changes for the better.

A fringe benefit of taking the Great Commission seriously is that our lives automatically improve as well - we experience the abundant life Jesus promised by pursuing the life he's invited us to embrace.

May you understand that the Great Commission was not a suggestion. May you take it seriously. May you desire for more and more people to come to Christ. May your heart increasingly beat as God's as you pick up your cross and follow Jesus. May you enjoy more and more Eden as you do.

  1. Who do you know that is living life outside of Eden?
  2. Who do you know that is stuck in a life pattern that is destroying them and those around them? Who do you know that is blind to the things of God, and therefore ignorant of Eden's possibility?
  3. How will you show them the love of God in Christ?
  4. What steps can you take to help them discover the difference Christ can make?
  5. What role will you have in bringing Eden back to reality?
  6. What keeps you from being more fully engaged in ushering others into a relationship with Christ?

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