The story of the visit of the Magi in Matthew 2:1-12 is very significant. The account challenges us in several ways if we’ll allow it.
Herod professed faith as a Jewish convert, and took this Messiah’s birth extremely seriously, but allowed his personal ambition to trump God’s leadership in his life. Herod sought to kill this Christ as a result.
I wonder if we have the tendency to be at cross-purposes with God, and, blinded by our own agenda, find ourselves actually hindering the Kingdom we profess to desire? Do we squelch what God is doing at times?
The Wise Men, in contrast, didn’t practice the faith in traditional ways, yet got God’s message loud and clear, and took it so seriously as to leave on a months-long journey to see this Christ firsthand.
Are we paying attention to God’s constant communication? Do we allow God to speak as God desires? When we hear, do we care? Do we see the significance as a positive in-breaking of God or something to be feared and squelched?
Their journey was an act of worship, wasn’t it? And when they finally made it to Mary and Joseph’s home in Bethlehem, their extraordinarily generous gifts communicated their adoration and devotion to God. The monetary value was massive, but so was the symbolism – gold for a King, frankincense for a Priest, and myrrh for One who would face death head on. Their worship continued once they rose from their prostration – they continued to heed God’s communication as they went back home – a move that saved Jesus’ life practically before it started.
How do we mimic this holistic worship modeled by the Magi? Do we realize that our journey is itself an opportunity to worship God? Do we still bow down to this Holy God in an era when Jesus has been presented as Best Friend? Do we generously give treasure simply because it honors God as worthy in our what’s-in-it-for-me culture?
How will the world be blessed – and our lives right along with it – is we should dare to learn from these heretics! How many more people would honor Christ as well! How much stronger and healthier the Kingdom would be if we were so sensitive to the Holy Spirit as were these very wise men…
As you enter 2008, may you see and hear and feel and know God’s voice, and heed it. May you worship God with your very journey – your way of life. May you generously proclaim Christ as the King with your treasure. May your bowing down before this King cause others to do the same, and walk in Magi ways with you.
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